The Metropolitan Diocese
The Sounds Of Praise:
Founded in 1994 by the late, Bishop Nathaniel Simmons, DD, The Sounds Of Praise launched out to begin this great work with three main aspects in mind:
To relieve the financial burden of the people;
To provide an umbrella of fellowship for churches and give those who were called to ministry the opportunity to do so; and
To plant churches and spread the work of the gospel over the world.
After his death, The Lord appointed Apostle Allen H Simmons, DD to lead the Sounds Of Praise, and under his ministry, the church has expanded across the United States and into various parts of the world. Apostle Simmons is married to the Honorable, Jan. Y. Simmons. Elect Lady Simmons serves as the Elect Lady for the Sounds Of Praise and the Supervisor to The Women’s Department.
The Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries, Inc., is a family of fellowship churches nurtured and sustained by the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ, and by the Holy ordinances of the Canon.
We are reaching out to others with our time, talents, and our treasures. Stewardship, fellowship, and followship are the hallmark of our every effort to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ all across the land and into the world (Matthew 28:19).
To this end, this family, The Sounds of Praise, is called to strive in each ministry with the spirit of excellence, and to help one another in love to reach our full God-given Christian potential.
The Metropolitan Diocese is a district of The Sounds Of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries. A district consists of churches and their local pastors. Each district helps the local churches assigned to it to stay connected and accountable to the national church. The district serves as a regional community of fellowship, discipleship, training, and development to empower the pastor, the local church, its leaders, and the parishioners.
What does the name mean?
Metropolitan refers to a metropolis or parent city. A flourishing large city. And the characteristic of a metropolis or its inhabitants, especially in culture, sophistication, or in accepting and combining a wide variety of people, ideas, etc.
Why Metropolitan?
We prayerfully selected this name because our Diocese is lead by the Bishop of the Metropolis of the Sounds Of Praise. Saint Paul Sounds of Praise is the matrix, the womb, the delivery room of the Sounds Of Praise. This name was selected in honor of our late founder’s work. While St. Paul is no longer headquarters, it is still the mother or parent church.
Additionally, the name embodies the idea of the word in that a metropolis encompasses the diversity of people, businesses, colleges, etc. We seek to embrace each church as autonomous, remaining true to their individual cultures vision, mission, and people. We seek to ensure that each church is sound in doctrine, walking in integrity, on the cutting edge, and engaging community.
What is our vision?
The Vision of the Metropolitan Diocese is:
We exist as a community for Development, Diversity, Discipleship, Deliverance, Dominion, and Destiny.
What is our mission?
Our mission is to develop leaders and local assemblies and empower them to position themselves to help grow and expand the vision of our Chief Apostle and the Sounds Of Praise. We endeavor to produce leaders and churches that are diverse, developed, disciplined, delivered, dominating, and helping others walk into their destiny.
Who oversees this Diocese?
Our Diocesan Bishop is Bishop Timothy Wayne Griffin, II. He is the lead Pastor of St. Paul Sounds of Praise in Newark, NJ. He serves as the chair of the Nehemiah Council, the planning committee for the Sounds of Praise. He serves additionally as The Supervising Bishop of the Youth Department, an assistant to The Bishop of Foreign Missions, an international evangelist, and an author.
He is Married to his beautiful wife, Lady Venus Griffin. Lady Griffin Serves as the Elect Lady of the District and St. Paul SOP.
What do we do?
The Metropolitan Diocese develops and trains Pastors and leaders to organize their churches, impact the community and spread the Gospel of a Jesus Christ.
We aid our Chief Apostle in fulfilling the vision God has given him for the Sounds Of Praise.
We educate and develop ministers to rightly divide the Word Of God.
We Prepare local Ministers for Licensing and Elders and Deacons to be ordained.
We Provide trainings and counsel to churches to help them grow, engage, and expand the work.
We connect churches with opportunities and resources to help them do ministry more effectively and efficiently.
How can you become a part of Us?
Pastors and churches can connect with us by expressing their desire through a letter of interest which can be submitted via:
Mail: P. O. Box 8287 Newark, New Jersey 07108
Call: 1.844.200.TWG2 (Extension 1)

Apostle Allen H. Simmons
Judge Janice Y. Simmons
Chief Apostle - Elect Lady
Bishop Timothy Wayne & Lady Venus L. Griffin